Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

if you are real you the truth because everybody sleep on you and think your not real haha. then on top of that..they mock you by leaving you cookies knowing you wont eat em... then they even go as far as making you look Spanish on that episode of Dora the Explorer.. but mann what do you be doing all year do you beat brawds Santa?..are they on the naughty list or good list..when its winter your at the Northpole but do you chill at South beach when its Hot..Mann you too mysterious i need answers mann hahaa..Why are you fatter then people all their life from one night of eating..and why are the elves so skinny..Do the elves have drug problemss mann..to make this story shorterr idk mann..Christmass still sicess me ahahahha Worddd!!

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